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[연구진 동정] 봉영식 전문연구원 - Trump says N.Korea-U.S. summit still on course to take place early next year

최종 수정일: 2020년 8월 4일

[ISSUE TALK] Trump says N.Korea-U.S. summit still on course to take place early next year

Dr. Bong Young-shik, from the Yonsei Institute for North Korean Studies.

1 - Trump has once again said that his relationship with Kim Jong-un is good and that the next summit is likely to happen in either January or February. He also said that 3 locations are being considered. But this comes while denuclearization talks seems to have stalled. Do you think Trump's comments point to any progress on those talks? 2 - President Moon has said the possibility of Kim Jong-un visiting Seoul before the end of the year is still open. But there is now less than a month left. Do you think it will still happen? Do you think Moon had some sort of discussion with Trump when they met in Argentina? 3 - Moon also revealed what Trump told him, saying that Trump is ready to give Kim everything that he desires, once they carry out what was agreed at the summit in Singapore. What do you think he meant by that? 4 - President Moon said the visit would depend on Kim now. Trump also seems to have put the ball in North Korea's court. Do you think Pyeongyang will see it that way? Are they not likely to argue that South Korea and the U.S. have not done enough? 5 - Meanwhile, Kim Jong-un had not been seen in a couple of weeks, but he reappeared on North Korean state media outlets over the weekend. He was reported to have visited fisheries and shoe factories among other sites. What should we make of his reappearance, and is it usual for him to disappear from time to time? 6 - A North Korean propanganda website has called for South Korea to stop all joint military drills with the U.S. This comes in response to the two allies saying that they will scale-down their annual exercise, Foal Eagle, in the spring next year, to help with diplomatic efforts with the North. So are Pyeongyang saying this is not good enough? 7 - What should we look out for in the next couple of months? What do you think we have to see from North Korea to suggest that progress is being made on negotiations with the U.S. and that summits are coming?

출처 : 아리랑

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