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[연구진 동정] 문정인 특임연구원 인터뷰 - Presidential Special Advisor Moon Chung-in (아리랑 TV)

최종 수정일: 2020년 8월 4일

Ep.13 Presidential Special Advisor Moon Chung-in

Date : 2018-08-30

Ep.13 Presidential Special Advisor Moon Chung-in

Denuclearization talks between Pyongyang and Washington have been at a standoff for about months, despite the two inter-Korean summits and the historic DPRK-U.S. summit, which were held earlier in the year. Amid the deadlock, the two Koreas have inched closer together for another summit meeting set for September, which is forecast to be a "breakthrough" in the denuclearization process, along with the UN General Assembly and the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the North regime.

Today, on "The Diplomat," we meet Moon Chung-in, a Special Advisor to President Moon Jae-in for Foreign Affairs and National Security, a distinguished professor, an architect of the Sunshine Policy of Engagement with North Korea, and the only political scientist that took part in the 2000 and 2007 Inter-Korean Summits as a special delegate, to learn more about his vision for the Third Moon-Kim Summit and the challenges Seoul, Pyongyang, and Washington have to tackle in order to establish lasting peace on the Korean peninsula.

출처 : 아리랑TV The Diplomat

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